During our February 16 webinar "Cross-Border Business Development; Palm Beach & Bahrain" we were honored to have so many diplomats and professionals speak about the evolving relationship between the business and educational communities of Palm Beach and Bahrain, including Ahlam Janahi, Co-Founder of the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society
Thank you, sir. Good morning, everybody. Good evening. For whoever is living in Bahrain, it is my pleasure to be with you today and join you. I am very happy and pleased to welcome the delegation from Florida to Bahrain late March. I am the President of Bahrain Business Rules Society. Bahrain Business Society is celebrating the 22nd year of establishing in Bahrain.
We are the first business woman society in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). We are proud of that. Our members, they are very active and we have SMEs, we have entrepreneurs, we have big businesses. So we are also we had over 60 MOUs with worldwide different organization, business organization organizations. So I'm pleased to coordinate and also we signed with AmCham which we are happy to cooperate on a monthly basis, on daily basis and we exchange the events between each other.
And I'm sure that our colleagues from Bahrain Ministry of Commerce, Bahrain Development Economic Board and Ministry of Tourism will give you more details about Bahrain and how is Bahrain a friendly business and how is the law and regulation for business people are easy and it is for long term. So we will be more than happy to participate and to be with the US business people, to cooperate to partnership and to be with them for long term businesses. Thank you very much and hope that everybody will get a share of profit when they make a business in Bahrain, especially Bahrain is a free trade agreement signed, a free trade agreement with US and everybody will save an expenses and cost of their business.
Thank you very much.
— Ahlam Janahi
Co-Founder Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society