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Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States visits Palm Beach County

Over 50 Floridian government and business leaders joined in a private luncheon, discussion group and reception hosted by the World Trade Center Palm Beach to welcome and honor His Excellency Abdulla R. Al Khalifa, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States.

“We look back and realize that great stewardship, vision and imagination didn’t stop for us during COVID. We had a vision to bring innovative global relationships to Palm Beach County, held a welcome event in December 2020 on Zoom, and followed- up with this inspiring day”, explains Alfred Zucaro, President and Founder of WTC Palm Beach.

Graciously hosted by Chancellor Arthur Keiser at Keiser University’s ‘Flagship Campus’ in West Palm Beach on June 24, the conversations centered on the exponential opportunities for business, commerce, education and tourism between our area and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Kelly Smallridge, President of Palm Beach County’s Business Development Board, made a stellar presentation and provided an impressive overview of the hundreds of recent business relocations to our area.

Vice Mayor Robert Weinroth and County Commissioner Maria Sachs provided an excellent overview how good it is to do business in Palm Beach County. From expedited services to fast-tracking bureaucracy. The event highlighted Palm Beach County’s strong governance, invested leadership and collaboration.

A private luncheon before the roundtable event

The day centered on the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Vision 2030 and their investment in their people, culture, and finance sectors. “The fulfillment of The Abraham Accords expands the capacity and impact of American and Bahraini shared values”, explains global affairs expert Pamela Dubin. “The Kingdom of Bahrain leads with innovation and openness. Geographically, educationally, financially, and technologically, they are the right partner for us in Palm Beach County.”

The Ambassador and Rose Sager, the Trade Representative from the Kingdom, shared the ease of doing business with and in Bahrain. “We are literally a one-stop-shop with a red carpet, not red tape attitude.”

“Call Alfred Zucaro at WTC Palm Beach or call me, Rose Sager, so you can join Dana Lilly, CEO of American Concrete, who has been doing business in Bahrain for decades when he says.” Doing business in Bahrain and through Bahrain into the Gulf nations is incredibly easy. The people are welcoming and everyone extremely helpful.”

“We at WTC Palm Beach welcome all inquiries about business, investments and growth. The more the merrier. We see this as only the beginning with much, much more to follow” explains Zucaro.

WTC Palm Beach is planning future events to include a visiting delegation from Palm Beach to the Kingdom of Bahrain in late fall 2021 and a Spring 2022 Ambassador’s Summit with the Ambassadors representing the Gulf nations already in the early planning stages.

(Pictured from left to right) County Commissioner Maria Sachs, His Excellency Abdulla R. Al Khalifa Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States, WTCPB founder Alfred Zucaro, and Vice Mayor Robert Weinroth. His Excellency presented a beautiful keepsake to Alfred Zucaro and WTCPB from the Bab Al Bahrain (meaning Gateway of Bahrain) — this is a historical building that marks the main entrance to the Bahrain capital, Manama.

World Trade Center Palm Beach: The only full-service international trade organization serving the south-central region of Florida with a focus on these counties: Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee, Hendry, Glades, and Highlands

World Trade Center Palm Beach is a 20-year member of the World Trade Centers Association (WTCA). Formed in 1970, WTCA is the world’s largest, private international trade association comprised of more than 300 WTC license holders representing companies in over 90 countries worldwide.

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WTCA License Holder:  International Council of Advisors, LLC, dba World Trade Center Palm Beach • Alfred Zucaro Jr. President and Founder

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