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Global Companies – The Global Experience – Are You Prepared for Cross Border Communication?

During our February 16 webinar "Cross-Border Business Development; Palm Beach & Bahrain" we were honored to have so many diplomats and professionals speak about the evolving relationship between the business and educational communities of Palm Beach and Bahrain, including Zahraa Taher, Managing Director, FINMARK Communications

Thank you very much, Al. I think this forum is an amazing way of communicating. I have personally learned a lot, even about my country, not only about Florida, and I'm looking forward to come to Palm Beach County. I think the five steps, Renata Urban said, are definitely the right way.

In 2010, when myself and my American business partner decided to establish FINMARK Communications, it was because many communication firms, the international ones who come to our region, maybe they have the best practice, but they don't know how the region works, how to deal with the media, what are the right statements, culture is different. And us, the local companies who have worked locally or regionally – if we want to work with global companies, we never had the global experience. So both myself and my American business partner, Leila Danish, we thought that there is a need for an organization, a communication firm, which combines both having senior people from the west and the east together to make sure that we deliver the messages.

So we have spoken today about different opportunities in education, opportunities in tourism and manufacturing, all these companies who want to come from, let's say, Florida or from the States to Bahrain or to the region, because we are a hub for the Gulf and most of our companies, the regional, who wants to go international. The most important thing for them is to communicate right, to communicate to their different target audiences, to use the right media tools.

What is proper in Florida, I'm sure, is not the same in Washington. So if we're talking about the same country, there are different ways of dealing. So imagine if we're talking about cross borders. Today we had Mr. Thomas speaking from an Indian perspective, different people from the States speaking, but everyone, when it comes to really working on a business venture, we have to make sure that all these things are communicated in one standard way. So this is why I think using the services such as Urban Training, or FINMARK Communications, if you're coming to this region, would be the best way for any businesses to operate, want to operate here or want to operate internationally.

Thank you.

— Zahraa Taher

Managing Director, FINMARK Communications


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